Saturday, September 2, 2006

Pooh and NESS

My cousin sent me an email today with the following Pooh message. Her intentions were to prompt my thinking and not necessarily NESS related, yet the relation to our current New Educator Support connect…well, what do you see?

"'s a very large Forest, and there's plenty of room to bounce in it. But I don't see why he should come into my little corner of it and bounce here." --AA Milne

Your future doesn't just "happen" to you.

You co-create your future with the other people who are in your life.

(One of many reasons that it's important to have good people in your life!)

The people around you are in your life precisely to help you create the life you came here to experience and precisely to have you help them create the life they came here to experience. They are here to help you, to challenge you, to test you and to inspire you.

And you are here to help them in the very same ways.

 No one in your life is in your life "by accident.”

If you want to change what your life looks like, you must change. It's
 really that simple...and that challenging.

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