Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Google Docs & Collaboration

Collaboration is now available without meeting!

With transition of support members each year and teacher turnover, site-based support has the potential to always start at “Ground Zero”- always reinventing the work. Google Docs & Spreadsheets has the capacity to assist support teams to move from reactive to proactive by providing a way to collaborate with peers on written documents without the barriers of scheduling meeting times for every stage in the collaborative process.

A school that collaborates on being plan-centered can have:
  • written criteria for the selection of the support staff
  • specific responsibilities of each support team member
  • developed a written list of expectations for every staff member
  • scheduled time, opportunity, and resources to support staff members
  • developed written induction protocols

Google Docs can be used to collaborate on a document online in real time without the need to download additional software or pay for a license fee. The Google Docs interface is similar to Word and supports tables, images, and the ability to revert to older versions.

If you have a Google Account, you are ready to begin. At select MORE (found above the search window) and then select EVEN MORE. In the Communicate, Show, and Share section click on the Docs & Spreadsheets.

By utilizing Google Docs & Spreadsheets as a collaboration tool, what possibilities exist with your support team that was not available before?

A tour of the Google Docs service is available by clicking HERE

Google Docs user information can be found by clicking HERE

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Rock-N-Roll Coaching

Just last week the new rock band Supernova put on a rock and roll demonstration for their fans. New lead singer Lucas Rossi had the pleasure to perform with rock veterans Gilby Clarke (Guns N’ Roses) and Tommy Lee (Motley Crue) for the first time as their US tour kicked off in Hollywood, FL at the Hard Rock Live.

It was a thrill to see Dave Navarro standing off stage to observe one of the newest members to the tour, Toby Rand. While on the show, Rock Star Supernova, Dave was responsible for providing performance feedback to Toby after his weekly performance. Now that auditions are over, Dave is continuing his role as a coach.

It was interesting to see how every stage member has a significant role and responsibility. There was one stagehand whose only job during the live set was to watch Dave Navarro and assist with the exchange of his guitars. At the right time he brought out the new guitar and took away the old. Seamless and without interruption to the work. If he was too busy admiring someone else, say the drums or the bass guitar, there would have been a complete breakdown of the song set.

The band took months to prepare for their 2 hour set. It shows.

Monday, January 15, 2007

The Devil Needs Induction

I am not going to bother you with a complete synopsis of the movie “The Devil Wears Prada”, but the story tells the professional adventure of Andrea, whose greatest dream is to become a journalist

This was not my first choice of film (nor my second), and I managed to watch the entire film and publicly state that it was “OK”. Translation= Pretty good for a rental.

The hook for me was the trials of Andrea’s first job: the weak orientation and and the lack of new hire support. This is a classic non-example!! If you have seen the movie, what areas of Orientation and Induction need improvement?

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Passing the Torch

Tim Tebow (pictured with Coach Myer) described the Florida Gator's National Championship year as a “Dream Season.” As a freshman he focused on learning from the senior he was replacing, BCS National Champion MVP Chris Leak.

Offensive coordinator Dan Mullen noticed Tim’s commitment early on the season. “Yet in meeting rooms and film sessions, Tebow started to see the game from a broader perspective. He said he thought like the starter, making each week a dress rehearsal for the coming year. At every turn leading up to the game, Mullen said, Tebow followed Leak's lead.”

If the work you do has value, then someone will be needed to continue the work. Induction provides the system for building capacity in order for the organization to limit loss with transition.

With a true Induction system in place with the Florida Gator football team, Senior Chris Leak and Coach Urban Myer utilized this past year to prepare a replacement. How have you prepared yours?

Friday, January 5, 2007


Since the retirement of Hall of Fame quarterback Dan Marino the Miami Dolphins have experienced three different head coaches with the hiring of Jimmy Johnson in 1996, Dave Wannstedt in 2000 and now Nick Saban in 2005. Additionally the quarterback position has been a revolving door with 13 players identified for that coveted position.

With such a high number of turnovers, what expectations does H. Wayne Huizenga have when it comes to the Dolphins success?

Analogy of the Day:
Dolphin Head Coach is to Principal as Quarterback is to …?

QB Roster from 2000-Present
A.J Feeley, Brian Griese, Cade McNown, Cleo Lemon, Damon Huard, Daunte Culpepper, Gus Frerotte, Jay Fielder, Joey Harrington, Mike Quinn, Ray Lucas, Sage Rosenfels, Shane Matthews