Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Chain of Events from Video to Practice

A NESS Liaison shared with me a chain of events today that involved sharing and communication.. Follow this:

1) On the 6th day of school I videotaped a New Educator utilizing Response (Dry Erase) Boards during Writing instruction (to be used as a New Educator podcast).

2) A few days later I emailed the video clip to the NESS Liaison for feedback.
3) Through the NESS Liaison, the Principal heard of the podcast, and found additional Response Boards for the rest of the New Educators.
4) The NESS Liaison shared the clip and the new Boards with her New Educators.
5) A week later, I videotaped a different New Educator practicing a new skill: Utilizing Response Boards during Math Instruction.

The NESS Liaison was quite impressed on how fast her teachers are implementing new ideas.
It was a thrill to hear everyone tuned into the same frequency!

"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there." - Will Rogers

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