Monday, October 2, 2006

CSI: Crime Scene "Induction"

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation is becoming one of my favorite shows. Why? The style is unique, the technology is borderline Star Trek, the music is from The Who, and the characters are far from perfect. What is intriguing is the well-developed systems and protocols that focus the CSI team to investigate mysterious crimes and deaths.

According to the CSI website there are 59 documented procedures and 233 documented tools currently utilized by at least 8 positions including: Night Shift Team Supervisor, Swing Shift Team Supervisor, Day Shift Team Supervisor, Blood Spatter Analyst, Materials/Element Analyst, Audio/Visual Analyst, Hair/Fiber Analyst and Field Workers. With this many positions, tools, and procedures there is no doubt that CSI has in place a systems-driven Induction Plan.

Since a Plan is the HOW work is done, the WHO is just as important. Each analyst understands the characteristics of the team as a whole, each analyst understands the characteristics and traits of themselves and why they are chosen for the team, and each analyst focuses on his/her specialty. The team benefits since each member works towards his/her strength avoiding jealousy and competition. The success or failure depends on making sure the right people are on the right team doing the right job.

I am curious to know to and find how does one identify his/her strength?

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