Thursday, April 15, 2010

Assessment and Accountability

When entering the emergency room there is an expectation that regardless of the doctor that takes your case you will be serviced with the same high quality of care. Either Doctor Alpha, Doctor Beta, Doctor Gamma, Doctor Delta, or Doctor Epsilon will provide you will the necessary treatment in the best of his/her ability. You have an expectation that regardless of the luck of the rotation or scheduling these doctors share the same knowledge, skills, attitudes, aspirations, and behaviors that will eventually lead you back to health.

When entering Best Buy to purchase a new high definition television there is an expectation that regardless of who approaches you first that you will be serviced by someone with expert knowledge of video format, field rates, screen resolution, pixels, and aspect ratio. There is an expectation that you will be provided be quality service that will lead you to make a purchase with any sense of buyer’s remorse.

As a parent when dropping of your daughter or son on the first day of school there is an expectation that the teacher assigned to teach have the same knowledge, skills, attitudes, aspirations, and behaviors with the other teachers at the school. As a parent it should not matter who is assigned to teach your daughter or son for you are confident that the areas of content knowledge, classroom management, assessment, technology, critical thinking, communication, and ethics are consistent with every member of the school. As a parent who believes of such equity, one will not discriminate or judge for he or she believes that teachers are professionals.

As a patient, consumer, parent, or this your reality?